Q&A Session Part 1: “The Only 4 Ways To Build Muscle” Video


You must optimize your “anabolic”, muscle-building hormones if you want more muscle mass:
? https://drsam.co/s/yt/BuildMuscle

Check out the original video – The Only 4 Ways To Build Muscle:
? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ZSOu2CinM

Get Your Customized “Muscle Building” Short Cuts
? https://drsam.co/s/yt/Get-It-Here

#drsamrobbins #muscle


How To Build Muscle If You’re In Your 20’s

First comment:

How do you tell if You have crappy genetics?

Second comment:

What about green salads? Tuna fish? Beef? Bison and Salmon are 1) pricy and 2) not always available.

Third comment:

Well, I don’t know your life-style… but it’s really very simple at this point. You need to eat and then eat more. Eat often. Eat more calorie dense foods such as fat, carbs and so forth. Drink your calories if you don’t feel like eating. You should go to the gym, but only 3x weekly. Such as Mon – Wed – Fri. Make sure you exercise your entire body – upper AND lower. Sleep as much as you can. Then, just be patient. It took me many, many, many years to go from 135 lbs to 200 lbs at 6’3” … I’m still “thin” for my height, but I’ve come a long way, naturally. All you can do is maximize your genetics.

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