Rapper Juice WRLD’s ex explains why she is selling their s3x tape on 0nlyFans


Ally Lotti, late rapper Juice WRLD’s ex has explained why she is selling some of their memorabilia on OnlyFans.

Lotti has been advertising their s3x tapes on the platform by telling subscribers they could unlock videos of her and the late “Lucid Dreams” rapper who died in December 2019.

She has also given an explanation for the move. Lotti wrote; 

“F***ed by my famous ex. Hackers are trying to threaten me to leak my old sex tape with my ex fiance Juice WRLD.

“IDGAF anymore. I’ll leak it myself. It’s a long time since I have been f***ed rough with some big black c**** like this. I am so mad that I am adding every nude I ever sent him. I know you will at least enjoy it. Can’t believe I am actually sending this but I can’t be threatened anymore.”

While it remains to be seen if people are buying her rationale, some people don’t feel good about her throwing up Juice’s private moments after his death.


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