‘Real Housewives of New York City’ star Erin Lichy and her husband, Abraham Lichy, have been sued by their landlord for owing five figures in unpaid rent, plus interest.
Court document revealed that the couple owe $43,950 in unpaid rent for their Big Apple loft.
The landlord revealed that Erin and Abraham rented their two-story apartment since July 2019 but have failed to pay the agreed rent and other charges between October 2021 and July 2023, racking up a substantial balance.
Erin and Abraham’s landlord claims their lease called for them to pay a monthly rent of $13,500; due on the first of each month for the period in question, but they often paid late, didn’t pay late fees, bounced checks and sometimes didn’t pay rent at all.
Now, the landlord is going after the Lichys for $43,950 plus interest in addition to $12,900 to cover the landlord’s legal fees in the case.
However, the couple claimed that the reason two months of rent was being withheld was due to an agreed upon abatement due to persistent rodents, unsanitary issues and a nonfunctioning elevator which lasted for several months.
Erin and Abraham are stunned by the lawsuit, telling TMZ that the landlord wrote a glowing letter of recommendation for them when they moved out.