Remains of missing Connecticut boy, 14, found in West Virginia shallow grave


Remains unearthed from a shallow grave in West Virginia are believed those of a missing 14-year-old boy bound for high school in Connecticut.

Jonathan “Johnny” Adams had no cellphone or other electronic device with him when he disappeared July 12 in Augusta, W.Va., authorities said.

His body was found in Augusta Saturday morning, they said.

“The remains were located in a heavily wooded area, near the location the victim was reported missing last Sunday morning,” the Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office said without saying how he died. “The area of the recovery was extremely difficult to access due to heavy underbrush.”

Adding to the mystery, sheriff officials also announced that a 16-year-old relative of the boy was arrested on a burglary charge without saying if that case was connected to Johnny’s.

They also said investigators had developed a suspect in the death of Adams without saying who that person was or providing any other information.

Relatives of Johnny had been taking care of him in West Virginia since March when schools were closed in Connecticut because of the coronavirus pandemic, according to reports.

The boy’s aunt Beatrice Adams said on Facebook, “Why! Why! Why!

“Johnny is gone forever, no more Johnny,” she said.

The boy would have been a freshman at Hall High School in West Hartford, 360aproko news reported.

The family posted a $10,000 reward for information leading to his whereabouts.

“I and the entire West Hartford Public Schools family are devastated by the loss of one of our children,” said district superintendent Tom Moore.

He said at King Philip Middle School Johnny had been loved “by those who were fortunate enough to get to know him.”


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