RHOC’ STAR SHANNON BEADORSUES FACEBOOK …Someone’s Using Me to Sell Diet Pills!!!


Shannon Beador wants diet pill companies to keep her name out of their mouth, and her face off their Facebook and Instagram ads … and now she’s suing to make it happen.

The ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ star filed suit against FB, which also owns IG, claiming third-party vendors are using her good name to hawk dietary supplements on the social media platforms and tricking customers into thinking she endorses the products.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Shannon claims at least 15 vendors are using her name, image and likeness to prop up their products … even though she says she has no connection whatsoever with the companies.

Shannon Beador facebook ad
In her suit, Shannon claims the whole operation is a big scam … and she says it’s undermining her career, sullying her good name and making it harder for her to endorse brands she actually likes.

Shannon’s going after FB for damages … and she wants an injunction blocking the vendors from using her name and likeness to hawk their products.


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