Ron DeSantis Drops Out of Presidential Race, Endorses Donald Trump


Ron DeSantis is officially out of the presidential race … and he’s not exactly going out on a limb with his endorsement.

The Florida governor posted a four-minute vid to X telling his supporters he’s suspending his campaign — this, just two days before the New Hampshire primary — and ultimately he’s putting his support behind former President Donald Trump.

RD started his clip by repeating many conservative stances on issues — more border security, social decay in cities, indoctrination of children by woke ideology … basically the boilerplate message.

DeSantis said his team prayed after the loss in Iowa — where Trump crushed him at the voting booths, with more than double Ron’s vote count — and his team ultimately realized there’s nothing that’ll swing the race in their favor.

As for the endorsement … the 45-year-old acknowledged he’s disagreed with DT on policy in the past, but he’s putting that aside for the good of the party — basically saying four more years of Joe Biden in the White House isn’t acceptable.

Hitching your wagon to the frontrunner ain’t anything new in politics — it’s all part of the game. And RD’s stayed away from roasting Trump during the run-up to the primaries … unlike Nikki Haley, the last major opposition to the Donald.

Speaking of NH, it’s not surprising she’s not getting Ron’s support … not only did she finish third in Iowa and fall way behind Trump in the polls, but they faced off at the last Republican debate — and it got a little nasty.

Ron said Nikki’s only in it for what her financial backers want … Nikki straight up called Ron a liar — yeah, it got pretty intense.

With another candidate down and the polls swung wildly in Trump’s favor ya gotta wonder … how much longer until the primaries simply become formalities?


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