Sarah Sanders on push to ‘hide’ Joe Biden from debates: ‘He can’t defend his record’


Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is not taking questions and may not debate because his campaign is afraid of how he will perform and does not want to compare his record to President Trump’s, former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Tuesday

Appearing on the “Outnumbered Overtime” with host Harris Faulker, the News contributor responded to a growing number of calls for Biden to ditch debating Trump prior to the November election, including former Clinton White House press secretary Joe Lockhart in a recent CNN op-ed.

“The idea that Joe Biden or anybody around him, the reason that they don’t want him to be on a debate stage is because they don’t want him taking questions,” Sanders said. “They know that he has been a part of the problem for the last 50 years and he can’t defend his record.


“If this race becomes about Joe Biden he knows he loses. People around him know he loses. He is a failed career politician that has moved so far to the left that he is out of touch with America,” Sanders added. “If he has to go up and take questions, it is going to be a disastrous moment for him and his campaign … that’s the reason they’ve kept him in the debate bunker and that’s the reason they want to limit the debates to one or two and no more than that if they have them at all.”

As Biden narrows down his choice for his pick for a vice presidential running mate, supporters who don’t want him in the public spotlight point to polls that have him leading Trump in swing states.

“I think the fact they want to hide Joe Biden tells us everything we need to know about that campaign,” Sanders said.

“This has nothing to do with his plans for the country and everything to do with attacking the president. The focus needs to be on who is best fit and ready to lead our country, rebuild our economy. I think when you ask that question, there is no doubt it’s Donald Trump, and that’s the reason nobody wants Joe Biden on a stage being compared to this president.”

Sanders’ father, Mike Huckabee told “America’s Newsroom” that when he debated Trump as a presidential candidate in 2016, he didn’t know what he was going to get.

“When [Biden] gets on the stage with Donald Trump, it’s not going to be playing checkers,” Huckabee told co-host Sandra Smith. “It’s going to be a true rumble. I don’t know that his people want him to get into that situation where he has no idea what’s coming.”


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