T.D. Jakes Receiving Well Wishes From All Over The World After Health Incident


Bishop T.D. Jakes, the founding pastor of a Texas megachurch, is getting tons of well wishes from folks concerned about his scary medical emergency during Sunday’s sermon … including calls from some celebrities.

Sources close to the situation tell us … Jakes is being inundated with calls from all over the world Monday, with people sending their best and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Our sources say Jakes has received thousands of messages … including from parishioners, various organizations, media outlets, sitting presidents and even celebs.

The calls are private, we’re told, so no names for those wishing Jakes well … but it sounds like he’s got an impressive rolodex … or at least a lot of people who care about him.

Jakes’ sermons are shared internationally with worshippers in faraway places like Africa, the Caribbean, Canada and the United Kingdom … with folks there watching his messages on streaming platforms … which, we’re told, is why he’s getting calls from all over the globe.

As we reported … Jakes was giving his hour-long sermon Sunday when he appeared to suffer a medical emergency … convulsing onstage.

Jakes’ church, The Potter’s House in Dallas, later confirmed he experienced a “slight health incident and received immediate medical attention.”

He’s stable and under a doctor’s care … and it sounds like he’s in lots of people’s prayers.


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