T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach Defend David Muir Wearing A Clothespin on Coat


T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach agree David Muir wearing a clothespin isn’t a good look … but, they say it might not be his fault — ’cause there are always too many cooks in the kitchen.


The two former ABC News anchors talked about the viral moment on their show “Amy & T.J.” in an episode titled “Does This Fire Make Me Look Fat?”

Holmes & Robach take a couple shots at the move … claiming it will certainly come off as insensitive to many people who have lost homes in the Pacific Palisades wildfire and other Los Angeles-area blazes.

However, T.J. and Amy aren’t blaming Muir for the move, mentioning that — during a live shot — an anchor is with a producer and wardrobe person generally … and, when not live and on-air, adjustments are made.

Sometimes, the anchor isn’t even looking up and paying attention to what’s happening around them if they’re on the phone and getting new information, they say — so, there’s no guarantee Muir asked for the clothespin … it could’ve just been put on him.

Holmes praised Muir as one of the hardest-working guys in news … and, he’s clearly got a lot of respect for the star.

Amy notes that, when she’d hit the road for reporting, she made a concerted effort not to appear TOO glamorous … for fear of upsetting someone in the midst of a real tragedy by seeming overly concerned with her looks.

As we told you … Muir appeared on a January 8 broadcast with the clothespin — but, by January 9, he ditched the pin entirely, letting the jacket fall naturally.

Moral of the story … T.J. & Amy aren’t blaming David for his wardrobe — but, optics matter regardless!


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