Tag: 'Violent and Abusive'

Bauchi commissioner dies in auto crash

The Bauchi State Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Aliyu Sarki Ahmad Jalam, has died in an auto crash.  Governor Bala Mohammed disclosed this in a condolence message to the members of his immediate family and the entire people...

Police arrest four suspected burglars in Nasarawa, recover stolen items

Operatives of the Nasarawa State Police Command have arrested four suspects who burgled an electronic store in the Rimi Uku area of Lafia, the state capital and carted away valuables. Spokesperson of the command, DSP Ramhan Nansel, who disclosed this...

Your man is cheating and you’re reporting him to his friends. Who told you they don’t know? – Nigerian man queries women

A Nigerian man, Jaafar Askiru has addressed women who report their cheating boyfriends and husbands to the men's friends.  “Your man is cheating and you’re reporting him to his friends. Who told you they don’t know?” he wrote in a...

Why FG should free Kanu – Ex-US Army captain

A retired Captain in the United States Army, Bishop Johnson (retd.), has said political leaders and freedom fighters should seek ways for the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, to be released. Johnson further begged that Kanu...

Rainstorm kills four at Bauchi trade fair

At least four traders have reportedly lost their lives due to a severe rainstorm accompanied by strong winds at the IBB Square in Bauchi State, the venue of the recently concluded North East Trade Fair. The storm, which began on...