By Sadi Onome, on 15th May, 2020

It was the year where I rode and dined with courage;the year, where all lines fell in pleasant places. So innocent, young and naive. I was just like every other girl, dreaming of having a prince charming and living happily ever after. A rogue, he was;but what do I know about guys and love? To me he was the world’s best dude.Talk about care, Love, advice,he will definitely win  a medal in those areas;obviously, he was no attention giver.Jeremy, was the one guy, who has caught the fancy of every young lady in his hood.
Moving into a new neighborhood, and crossing paths with Jeremy ;all I can simply say ‘he was sent from heaven’. The joy was short lived, as he left the country even before our love story began. No means of communication, whatsoever. Thanks to the world, now being a global  village. We met on Facebook and now I can categorically say’that was where the love story began’.After what seems like, forever;Jeremy,returned. Our love blossomed,we became best buddies, lovers;in fact, we were each others backbone. A leopard, never changes his skin, and thus was the case with Jeremy. Despite the love and everything, he was a cheat, a chronic cheat. He was always good with words, so I find myself, forgiving him.

Ever been so good, with a beautiful heart and lovely soul? As I cry myself to bed most night, I make decisions, decisions which Jeremy makes sure they never stand;we were love birds. He was not heartless, so he choosed to let me go. According to him, I am too good to be with someone like him, my tears breaks him into a thousand pieces and he beats himself over and over again each time he causes me pain. Of course, he didn’t just leave, but he left me a promise ‘I will always be there, call me if you ever need anything’. Wow, did we just break up? It took a while for me to process all he just said,smiles.He can’t just leave, I know he can’t;yes,i was right, guess we were made for each other.

‘ jeez, what came over me? Baby, please forget I made mention of parting ways, you are mine and nothing is going to change that’.

     Everything was back to normal or, so they seemed.we were off and on, like a fluctuating network.

Here I am, reminiscing. I remember, my mom warning me’that boy is no good for you ‘, but I was blinded by love to see all his flaws. Words, promises, oh promises! I can still hear his voice clearly, loud in my head’ you are my home, no matter how much of a flirt I am, I will always come back home’, really?So, one day he left, and never came home;Jeremy found another home. He lied, yes he did. He has personally sent me his wedding invite, and the name right there isn’t mine.


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