They earn between 20k to 30k – Lawyer decries the poor salaries teachers, fuel attendants, supermarket workers earn in Akwa Ibom state


Nigerian lawyer, Inibehe Effiong, has decried the poor salaries teachers, fuel attendants, supermarket workers and other workers earn in Akwa Ibom state. 

In a post shared on his X handle, Inibehe said some teachers in private schools in Akwa Ibom earn as low as N25, 000 as salaries. He argued that the economy is “dead “and sees no reason why most politicians should be appearing in public comfortably without being scared of what the masses may do to them.

His post reads

‘’Many (if not most) private schools in Akwa Ibom State are paying teachers less than the minimum wage. Teachers in private schools in Akwa Ibom are earning averagely between 20k to 30k per month as salary.

Hotel employees and fuel attendants are also earning ridiculous amount as salary. The same applies to staff of supermarkets and recreational facilities.

These are the places that even offer little job opportunities.

Akwa Ibom is a State with a dead economy but most people are too blinded by dirty partisan politics and religion.

Governance has failed in Akwa Ibom State.

The poverty and unemployment in that State is demonic.

There is no reason why most politicians should be appearing in public comfortably without being scared of what the masses will do to them.”


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