Trump Makes Plea To ‘Sick As A Dog’ Voters In Iowa: ‘Worth It’ Even if You Die


Donald Trump is urging even his sickest supporters to turn out in force at Iowa’s caucuses on Monday ― including people so ill that they may be at death’s door.

“If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it,’” Trump said at a rally on Sunday. “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.”

Trump performed a mock conversation between a man who thinks he’s too sick to caucus and his wife ordering him to go anyway. 

“Get up! You get up, you’re voting,” Trump said as the wife, before switching back to the ailing husband: “Yes, darling.”

“Ultimately, we know who calls the shots, right?” Trump added. 

Iowa is expected to face extremely cold temperatures on Monday, with the wind chill making it feel as low as 40 below, and a weekend blizzard has left many roads still icy and some covered in snow.

Trump assured voters they will be safe because “it’s going to be all indoors.”


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