Tucker calls out potential Biden running mate Rice as ‘neocon’ who committed ‘moral crime’ after Benghazi


Tucker Carlson devoted his opening monologue Monday to another one of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s potential running mates, this time turning his attention to former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

The “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host described Rice as a “neocon” who regularly lied to further her own political ends, most notably in the aftermath of the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

“When the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was destroyed … Rice herself said something that was actually crazy. She blamed that attack on an online video,” he said. “Rice knew when she said it it wasn’t true but she said it anyway.

“Rice knew that was a lie when she said it,” Carlson emphasized. “She knew the attack in Benghazi was not spontaneous. It wasn’t based in outrage.”

The host added that the video’s Egyptian creator, Nakoula Nakoula, was arrested after Rice blamed it for the attack and is reportedly now destitute and living in a homeless shelter.

“His life was completely destroyed,” he said. “Susan Rice has never apologized to him. … That is a moral crime.”

Later in the segment, Carlson further described Rice as someone who “knows exactly what she wants and she understands the system well enough to get it. She’s a threat.

“What exactly does she believe? Susan Rice believes what everyone else in permanent Washington believes, because above all, Rice is a product of D.C. She grew up there. To our political class, Rice is the opposite of an outsider. She is the home team.”


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