Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth


    Twitter users have taken to the platform to share instances where hospitals switched babies after birth.

    They shared their stories after popular Twittet user, Sisi Yemmie warned mothers to be alert and have someone in the hospital with them to follow the baby around because corrupt health workers now receive money to switch babies.

    She wrote: “Please always have someone with you in the hospital while giving birth. The person MUST be alert. MUST follow your baby. Some corrupt nurses/dr switch sick/dead babies with healthy ones if they’ve been paid. So pay attention!’

    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth

    Below are more tweets shared by other users.

    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth
    Twitter users share their experience with hospitals switching babies at birth


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