Two separate obituaries of a Kenyan man published in same newspaper recognizing 2 widows while the other describes one as “ex-wife”


Two separate obituaries of a Kenyan man, late Lt. Col (Rtd) David Njoroge Mwaura, have been published in same newspaper with two women claiming to be his widows. 

According to information on the two obituaries published in the Daily Nation on Wednesday, August 25,  it’s not clear whether Mwaura was married to two wives or he divorced one. 

In one of the obituaries, two women identified Eunice Wanjiku and Alice Nyambura are recognized as wives to the deceased.

However, in the other, Wanjiku is labelled an former wife as the deceased is described as her “ex-husband”

It may be that Nyambura declined to recognise Wanjiku, prompting her to sponsor her own obituary announcement. 


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