Unwanted attention: What to do if you don’t like a woman who has a crush on you


Guys, there are three options available to you if a babe likes you but you don’t like her back.

If a friendship turns to an attraction that you are not interested in, what do you do? [Credit - Getty]

If a friendship turns to an attraction that you are not interested in, what do you do? [Credit – Getty]

Being liked by someone you do not fancy is a feeling that’s traditionally more relatable to women, but with the consistent call on women to become more proactive when they’re attracted to men, that may be changing already.

These days more and more woman are coming out of their shells, shooting their shots in the hopes of scoring big with men they like.null

What this potentially creates is a problem of sorts where attraction is one-sided and unreciprocated affection flows from the woman to the man who may be clueless on the best way to say no without breaking the woman’s heart or sounding like a jackass while declaring his disinterest.

Learn to not lead people on when you know you are not interested in them [Credit - Shutterstock]

BusinessInsider USA ImagesLearn to not lead people on when you know you are not interested in them [Credit – Shutterstock]

Guys, if you ever find yourself caught in this delicate situation, here’s what to do:

1. Be honest

Disinterested in a lady who’s got a crush on you? Be honest about it. It is infinitely better to make this clear from the very beginning. Even if it’ll crush her and make her feel bad, it’s the logical thing to do of you really are not interested in what she wants.

2. No mixed signals

When you expressly say that you are not interested in a relationship with her, then let your actions portray it, too. If you decide to be friends, ensure to stay in the confines of friendship and avoid anything that could be [mis]interpreted as an intention to be more than friends. There really should be no mixed signals here.

Better to get out of the situation and remove all ambiguity that stick around peddling false hopes to a woman you don't like [Credit - CapitalFM]

Better to get out of the situation and remove all ambiguity that stick around peddling false hopes to a woman you don’t like

3. Get out

If you think you are too attracted to her for a friendship to work without devolving into some sexual relationship with her, get out as fast as you can.null

Here’s why: refusing to be in a romantic relationship with a woman does not mean you won’t be sexually attracted to her. And by being friends with someone sexy who clearly likes you, the chances of you getting carried away to the point of pursuing that sexual relationship becomes a lot more increased.

If you begin to have sex with her despite not desiring a relationship, it’s essentially taking advantage of her because, obviously, she’s interested in more than sex and she already mentioned that to you before you decided to use her for sex, instead.


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