Vasectomy Do’s, Don’t, Warnings, Pros & Cons


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Vasectomy Do’s, Don’t, Warnings, Pros & Cons

Over the past year, I’ve gotten lots of questions from guys and even the ladies, about vasectomies.

Some of the biggest ones being if it affects their sex drive, erections, testosterone levels and so forth.

Which by the way, if you’re concerned about these topics, make sure you visit the link below this video, AFTER you watch this video.

Anyway, today I’ll quickly discuss to top questions I’ve received, which are
What exactly is a vasectomy and how does it work
What happens to the sperm
Does it change your orgams
Testicle size
If “she” can tell if you’ve had one or not.
If it’s permanent and can it be reversed?
And of course — your hormone levels, sex drive, ability to get an erection and more.

So let’s get started from the beginning…
What Is It?
Vasectomy is medically called “male sterilization”

It’s a minor surgery to block sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis.
What Happens To The Sperm
Basically, a vasectomy blocks or cuts each “vas deferens” tube, keeping sperm out of your semen.
Your sperm cells “or babies” stay in your testicles and are reabsorbed by your body.
Starting about 3 months after a vasectomy, your semen (cum) won’t contain any sperm at all, so it can’t cause pregnancy.
Does It Change My Semen?
No, you’ll still have the same amount of semen you did before. There just won’t be any sperm in it.
Basically, no “sea-men” in your “semen”! =)
It’ll look the same, feel the same and even taste the same.
Just no little “baby sperms” swimming around.
They just continue to sit in your scrotum and are then absorbed into your body.
Does It Change My Orgasms?
No, having a vasectomy does NOT change how you have an orgasm.
It won’t change how you feel after cumming or ejaculating.
You just won’t be releasing any “baby” sperms in your semen and thus, no chance of getting her pregnant.
Does It Change My Testicles?
No, there will be no change in your testicles. No size or shape change.
Remember, your body or your testicles will still be producing the little “baby” sperms, they just will NOT be released in your semen when you ejaculate and out into her body or vagina and thus, not get her pregnant.
Will It Change My Testosterone or Hormone Levels?
No, there will be no change in your levels of testosterone or any other hormones.
Will It Change My Sex Drive or Erections
No, it won’t have any change in your sex drive or your ability to have erections.
Or at least, it shouldn’t.
Some men say it does. For some, it could decrease it temporarily.
And for others, it mentally increases it because you can now be spontaneous and not worry about getting her pregnant.
So, you have more emotional “freedom”
Can She Tell If I’ve Had A Vasectomy?
Nope. Nobody can tell.
Remember, your semen or cum will look, feel, taste and even “weigh” the same. Unless you put things under the microscope and see no baby sperms swimming around, nobody will know.
Is A Vasectomy Permanent?
Yes, a Vasectomy is designed to be a permanent procedure.
HOWEVER, it can be reversed, even after 15 years. And YES, the sperm will be back to normal and you can get someone pregnant again.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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