The NYPD has released disturbing surveillance video showing a man and his 22-year-daughter cowering in fear as they are being beaten by thugs in a bodega.
At one point the video shows one of the assailants grabbing a beer bottle from the store’s refrigerated case and cracking it over the woman’s head.
360aproko Post reported that the vicious attack knocked the man unconscious, sending him to the hospital.
“A 39-year-old had her phone taken as she tried to call the 911,” the NYPD tweeted Friday. Police are investigating the case as a robbery.null
The incident happened at a bodega in Manhattan’s Washington Heights neighborhood late on the night of July 7.

The man who was attacked, Victor Martinez Medina, told the 360aproko News that it happened very fast.null
“I just started to feel punches all over,” he said. “They just grabbed me … everything is fuzzy. (My wife) says I was thrown on the floor, and I don’t even remember that. I just remember them coming and starting to punch and kick me.”
A police source told the paper ongoing tensions between Medina’s daughter and another woman in the neighborhood led to the violence.