Warren says Biden’s child care plan central to health of US economy


Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren endorsed presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s array of plans for the U.S. economy on Wednesday – focusing in particular on his child care proposal.

During the Democratic National Convention, Warren said providing high-quality, affordable child care is central to ensuring U.S. economic growth.

“We build infrastructure like roads, bridges and communications systems so that people can work,” Warren said. “That infrastructure helps us all because it keeps our economy going. It’s time to recognize that childcare is part of the basic infrastructure of this nation—it’s infrastructure for families.”

Biden’s plan aims to make child care more affordable and accessible for working families by providing universal preschool to three- and four-year-olds, while expanding tax credits and investment. He also wants to make sure childhood educators are compensated fairly, have pathways to higher-paying jobs and have opportunities to join unions.

The plan will cost $775 billion over 10 years and is expected to be paid for by eliminating specific real estate-related tax breaks for the wealthy.

Warren also criticized President Trump over how he has responded to the coronavirus pandemic, calling the crisis “bad,” while adding that it “didn’t have to be this way.”


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