WENDY’S HERE’S THE BEEF!!! Drive-Thru Window Rage


    Here’s something Wendy’s workers don’t see everyday — a customer going so HAM at the drive-thru, he climbed right through the window … and now he’s a wanted man.

    The bizarre incident went down earlier this month at a Wendy’s in Tampa and surveillance footage shows a man forcing his way through the drive-thru window and wreaking havoc.

    As you can see, the guy leaned halfway through the window and started tossing cups and hurling trays. He even briefly had a hold of the cash drawer, but it slipped through his fingers as the Wendy’s cavalry arrived to force him back outside.

    The guy was still pissed, though, and continued pounding on the glass as friends tried to calm him down before he drove away … pretty damn hangry, we’re willing to bet.

    The Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office says a Wendy’s employee told deputies the man and his passengers became belligerent while placing their order. They’ve already figured out he was in a rental car, and cops say the rental company’s filed a failure-to-return complaint.

    As Joe Pesci would put it … this guy definitely f***ed himself at the drive-thru! The Sheriff says he’s facing potential burglary, criminal mischief and petty theft charges.


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