What Christmas will look like in every part of the UK due to Coronavirus rules


The nation is wondering if families will be able to travel between nations to spend time with their loved ones and will we still be able to meet in a pub or restaurant

Divided Britain is facing the prospect of a heavily restricted Christmas, with family and friends separated, and pubs closed as the coronavirus pandemic rumbles on.

For months, the governments in England, Wales and Scotland have pulled apart in their responses to curbing the spread of Covid-19.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson broke ranks in green lighting an easing of England’s draconian lockdown measures in July, which saw pubs and restaurants re-opened.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland First Ministers Nicola Sturgeon, Mark Drakeford and Arlene Foster have since opted to forge their own routes out of the unprecedented battle with the virus.

But with just over eight weeks until Christmas Day and the nation in the grips of a brutal second wave, all of the UK is on course for a drastically different festive period.

As Wales was thrust into a circuit breaker lockdown, experts are warning all of England must be placed into Tier 3 – raising further questions about traveling between borders and mixing households.


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