A woman took to Facebook for help to identify a cluster of mysterious brown structures she found on her bathroom wall – and an expert has explained the horror that goes on inside each nest

People on Facebook advised her to “move out”
With the cold weather setting in, more creepy crawlies will be making their way into our homes for shelter.
While we deal with a few daddy long-legs bumping into the windows, over in Australia the uninvited house guests they have to deal can be on a whole other level.
And one woman was left understandably alarmed when she went into her bathroom to find a strange formation which had appeared on the wall.
With no idea what could possibly be lurking inside, she posted a photo on social media to show a cluster of seven strange-looking brown structures stuck to the white tiles.

She turned to a Facebook group in the hope someone could identify what the mysterious blobs were, asking: “What should I do? These are on the bathroom wall.”
Many members of the cleaning group were left equally baffled by the find, offering advice including “run”, “sell up”, and simply to “move home”.
But thankfully some members, and now an expert, confirmed the brown formations actually belong to the mud-dauber wasp.