Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet


A woman took to Twitter to narrate her encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet.

Mokeji said she went to the restroom in a club last night and felt someone touching her waist. She turned to find that it was a woman. She said the woman was making seductive moves and she realized then that she’s a member of the LGBTQ community.

However, Mokeji referred to LGBT as LGTV and it is now trending on Twitter after the tweet went viral.

Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet

Mokeji wrote: “At the club last night, went to the restroom to clean my makeup then I felt someone touching my back and my waist. I looked back and it was one girl. I was like “you dey okay?”. Weyrey put hand for breast dey wink. I was so disgusted. At least if you wan be LGTV, be fresh nau.

“I first dey wonder say who be this mad man wey God wan punish this night now. I come look back na girl. I was weaaak. The fact that she looked so razz and eljibitiq no fit am burst my head. “What is wrong with you? You dey okay?” Weyrey fe seduce iyalaya e.”

Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet
Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet

Below are a few Twitter reactions.

Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet
Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet
Woman narrates encounter with a lesbian in a club toilet


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