Woman rewards her parents for ignoring friends who advised them against investing in her education


    A woman has narrated how she rewarded her parents for investing in her education, despite advice from people telling them that a girl child education was a waste and will only benefit her in-laws.

    @NqobaKonkhe said her father was a security guard in a company before being promoted to a supervisor. His new position allowed him to put one of his children in the company’s private school.

    The man chose his first child, a girl, to go to the private school. 

    However, people adviced him against it and told him to pick his son because the girl will most likely get married or pregnant before finishing school.

    Her parents ignored the advice and allowed her to continue to a private high school. 

    While in high school, friends warned her parents again that the investment on their daughter will be used to better another family, not theirs. But her parents ignored them again.

    The opposite turned out to be the case. Her brothers started having children and couldn’t help the family much so the daughter who they put through school started working during university to provide for her family as her dad got retrenched and her mum resigned due to ill health.

    She said she saved up enough and started sending her siblings to school, one after the other She also bought a car for her parents to use in selling vegetables so that they could provide for her nephews while she used her income to see her siblings through school.

    She said she saw her brother through high school, paid for her sister’s nursing school and paid for another of her sisters to go to college.

    She added that last Saturday was her father’s 70th birthday and she surprised him by buying him the car he always wanted. She said that he was emotional as he prayed for her and thanked God for validating the decision they made to send her to school when everyone else said it was a waste.

    Read her tweets below.

    Woman rewards her parents for ignoring friends who advised them against investing in her education


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