Woman who killed ‘monster’ husband hugs son after 20 month prison sentence


Tina Tablot has been released from prison 20 months after she was jailed for shooting her husband Milosz Szczepanowicz twice and then admitting what she had done to emergency services in the US

A woman who claims she was brutally beaten by her husband before she killed him was met by applauding family members as she left prison.

Tina Talbot, 53, served 20 months of a 15 year sentence after pleading guilty to the voluntary manslaughter of her husband Milosz Szczepanowicz.

In the four days leading up his death he broke a chair over her arm, caused both her lungs to partially collapse by beating her and broke her arms and ribs, it was claimed in court.

After shooting him twice in September 2018 Talbot called the police and admitted her crimes.

Police took photographs of her injuries, and she was hospitalised.

She hugged her nine-year-old son outside the prison

Despite hundreds of thousands of domestic abuse victim advocates signing a petition in support of her, Talbot was charged and sentenced.

“Ms. Talbot was severely abused in this relationship, but the taking of another life is still a crime, and that has to be accounted for,” Oakland County Circuit Judge Martha Anderson said at her sentencing, Detroit Free Press reported.


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