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Nigerian Singer, Emma Nyra, has taken to her twitter page to tender an apology to all those who felt offended b a comment she made regarding alleged fraudster, Hushpuppi.

Recently, Emma Chukwugoziam Obi popularly known by her stage name, Emma Nyra blasted people who were rejoicing over the arrest of Hushpuppi.

According to the singer, people who are happy over the socialite’s downfall will not be getting any richer from his predicament.

She’d said ;

A lot of people are happy about what happened to Hushpuppi because he was oppressing them on social media. The truth is that rejoicing in his downfall is not gonna put money in your pocket. I’m tired of reading about someone else’s downfall. Let me jeje hustle my own.

Her tweet was met with backlash and she was called out and tagged a ‘fraud apologist’.

In a more recent tweet, the singer tendered an apology.

Her tweet reads ;

I genuinely apologize if I offended anyone. I never meant to do that. I simply meant that I’m tired of reading about it. Justice will be served when it comes to his case and understand that I would never defend his actions at all. I actually never did.

- A word from our sposor -

“I would never defend his actions,” – Singer Emma Nyra apologizes for her Hushpuppi comment