MCU Streaming Guide: How to Watch Marvel Movies and TV in the Right Order


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Think of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a long-running television series — you wouldn’t just jump in and start watching during season 6, would you? (Some people might. But they’re on their own here.)

The individual adventures of Iron Man and Thor, Captain America and Captain Marvel can be enjoyed as one-offs, but the point of a shared cinematic universe is that everything is connected, that each movie builds off the one before it with characters and storylines crossing over from franchise to franchise. Unlike TV, you have some options for how you go about watching every movie. (Especially now that the MCU actually includes TV, too.)

It may seem straightforward enough — watch them in the order they were released — and that’s one way to go. But is it the best? Here’s ET’s guide to the optimal Marvel watch, whether you are coming to the MCU for the first time or planning a rewatch.

Everything available on Disney+:
The streamer has the most comprehensive collection of MCU titles, counting Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, Iron Man


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