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US President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening US time, held a full cabinet meeting to discuss his administration’s Coronavirus response and how to stop the spread of the virus as over 92,000 people have died from the deadly disease in the US.

The meeting had all top members of Trump’s administration except House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic senate leader Chuck Schumer.

Trump holds full cabinet meeting but no government official is seen wearing facemask (photos)

But what has got everyone talking is Trump and the cabinet members’ refusal to wear facemasks during the meeting. Only press and White House Staff could be seen wearing facemasks.

See more photos below.

Trump holds full cabinet meeting but no government official is seen wearing facemask (photos)
Trump holds full cabinet meeting but no government official is seen wearing facemask (photos)

- A word from our sposor -

Trump holds full cabinet meeting but no government official is seen wearing facemask (photos)